Category: PCI
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We are a group of volunteers aiming to continue to learn and collaborate with local law enforcement,…
Share: Tweet This! : “Chuck” 40yr old meeting 13yr old. Cops come & take him away! Share this on Facebook : “Chuck” 40yr old meeting 13yr old. Cops come & take him away! Share this on Reddit : “Chuck” 40yr old meeting 13yr old. Cops come & take him away! Share this on Telegram : “Chuck” 40yr old meeting 13yr old. Cops come & take him away! Share this on Tumblr : “Chuck” 40yr old meeting 13yr old. Cops come & take him away!
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All subjects are presumed innocent until proven guilty in the court of law. We do not condone…
Share: Tweet This! : Interview with 19yr old meeting 13yr old to take in the bathroom. COPS COME! Share this on Facebook : Interview with 19yr old meeting 13yr old to take in the bathroom. COPS COME! Share this on Reddit : Interview with 19yr old meeting 13yr old to take in the bathroom. COPS COME! Share this on Telegram : Interview with 19yr old meeting 13yr old to take in the bathroom. COPS COME! Share this on Tumblr : Interview with 19yr old meeting 13yr old to take in the bathroom. COPS COME!
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This was recorded in Avon IN on 3/9/21 and live streamed to Facebook. This has been edited…
Share: Tweet This! : Interview w/a 29yr old Radiologist who came to Avon for a 12yr old girl! ARRESTED Share this on Facebook : Interview w/a 29yr old Radiologist who came to Avon for a 12yr old girl! ARRESTED Share this on Reddit : Interview w/a 29yr old Radiologist who came to Avon for a 12yr old girl! ARRESTED Share this on Telegram : Interview w/a 29yr old Radiologist who came to Avon for a 12yr old girl! ARRESTED Share this on Tumblr : Interview w/a 29yr old Radiologist who came to Avon for a 12yr old girl! ARRESTED